Patients can trust Siena Dental for excellence in dental implant restorations. We work with board certified surgeons and aesthetic dental labs to deliver optimal restorative care. We are a comprehensive dental practice that puts your comfort and convenience first. Our state-of-the-art dental implant restorations look, feel and function like your natural teeth. Dr. Mahon understands the importance of replacing missing teeth with predictable solutions that will provide patients years of service.
Dental implants are surgical titanium posts that secure into the jawbone, acting as an artificial tooth root. Crowns, bridges or dentures can be secured to implants to restore missing dentition. As with all of our restorative and cosmetic dental procedures, Dr. Mahon uses a tailored approach to meet your unique smile objectives when placing implant restorations.
Dental implants have a remarkably high success rate, however, they are not exempt from problems. If you are experiencing difficulties with the way your dental implants look, feel or function, Dr. Mahon can help. Neglecting implant repairs can lead to worsening discomfort and further complications.
Dental implants and restorations can fail due a number of issues, including loss of surrounding bone, improper prosthetic loading or trauma due to grinding or clenching. While many situations are beyond patient control, we always educate patients on the proper care of their dental implants so that their investment and smile is best. Also, we have been able to successfully repair or retrofit failed restorative components.
To learn more about dental implant restorations or have a problematic implant evaluated, please contact our office today. Siena Dental is dedicated to helping patients take full advantage of the benefits of dental implants, the gold standard solution in tooth replacement.